Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Security Fear

           Technology has changed our life style rapidly if we compare to our grandparents era. If we have a look on technology changes, the most priceless gift is Internet. It has become the best medium to gain knowledge, entertainment and communication tools to connect with people all around the world. Therefore, we can said that Internet become a part of in human life nowadays. In order to that, the most outstanding advantages in use of Internet are online communication. Internet allows users to communicate with others through Instant Messaging (IM) such as Yahoo Messenger, Facebook, Twitter, Gtalk and many.

           These types of IM especially Yahoo Messenger (YM) is not only used for social and entertainment purposes but also used in business field. According to the IDC report in 2008 by Nortel about “Instant Messaging and Security” stated that the usage of IM such as YM can help to improve the productivity of employee. According to the author, about 74% of businesses identify that YM improve employee’s teamwork but 72% business band its use due to security problems. So, we can make point that even though IM help to improve the employee’s relationships but the organizations more concern about the security problems that occur in IM.

           This report stated about the risks of using IM by employees. The first risk that stated in the report is the attack from viruses, worms and trogen. When the employees use the IM, they may receive an unsolicited email inviting them to the on a link. This link may contain worm and viruses that can damage the computer programs. The second risk is the loss of intellectual property such as the employee’s confidential information about organization can loss when the viruses and worms damage the computer systems. The author also noted that provider of IM services such as YM, Facebook chat, Window Live Messenger failed to offer full protection to their users.

           The third risk is theft of passwords and user identities. He stated that IM accounts of users are also in risk because their passwords and user ID’s stolen by hackers. He also mentioned that many users of YM and Gmail have major attack by the hackers on their IM accounts in February 2009. The fourth risk is the lack of corporate control in IM accounts. The organizations are not able to monitor the business transactions and communications between the employees through the public IM services. Besides that, the author also suggested some ways to overcome the security problems in IM account. The suggestions are the organizations need to take control on employee’s activities in IM, minimize the risk by monitoring the employee’s context and also try to educate the employees whom are the IM users.

          In conclusion, I personally feel that the author has addressed the accurate risks that faced by the IM users and I also agree with his suggestion on how to overcome this security problems. Therefore, I want to say that every problem has a good solution and we need to find out that and should try to solve it. We should not feel fear and do not quit easily because usage of IM services can give more advantages rather than the disadvantages. Last but not least, the providers of IM also should give more important to the security problems in IM accounts and try to minimize the risks by giving more protection to the user’s accounts.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Learn through Instant Messaging

   Dear friends, we have gone through lot information regarding yahoo messenger (YM) services in the previous posts. By the way, in very beginning YM only used for social entertainment purposes but now YM also used for academic purposes in order to support student’s learning. Few days ago, I have read a case study regarding instant messenger which supports student learning process. The title of the study is ‘Using Instant Messaging for Collaborative Learning: A Case Study’ by Susana M. Sotillo.
     This study stress on implicit and explicit correlative feedback in communication tasks used in English as Second Language (ESL) classrooms. The objective of this study is to examine the specific occurrences of error correction episodes and to determine the types of negative correlative feedback such as implicit or explicit provided to second language (L2) learners during instant messaging (IM). This study carry out a small scale exploratory study of negotiate interaction and error correction episodes in Computer Mediated communication (CMC) environments. There are 14 respondents whom are age 24 to 32 have participate in this study. In order to guide the respondents, the researcher has selected five tutors whom are the fluent English speaker. The researcher used YM webcam video chat as a medium for the respondents and the tutor for the language learning activities. They are asked to work collaboratively on activities using YM, chat log and audio-recorded data to gather information regarding to the study.
       The result of the findings shows that ESL learners received more indirect or implicit feedback than direct or explicit feedbacks. Besides that, the result also indicate that non-native speaker (NNSs) provide more direct or explicit corrective feedback such as grammatical explanation or correct linguistic forms to ESL learners if compare to native speakers (NSs). Overall in findings, the author stated that IM such as YM have the potential in bringing benefits for the language learning purpose.
        In my opinion, I think the use of YM in learning purpose is bringing benefits to the students. If we refer to the author’s statement, YM being as a medium to the students for improve their language through the learning activities in YM. So, we can make point that YM is not only for social and entertainment purpose but now it also plays an important role to make the learning process become more effective and easy.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Feel It Good

Dear valuable viewers, you should watch this video clip if you are a Yahoo Messenger (YM) user. Why there is a need for us to use the YM? What are the benefits that we gained from the usage of YM? If you are interested to know the answers, please spend just two minutes from your precious time to watch this video clip. Sure, you will get some information regarding to the YM... 
Please watch it now and enjoy the clip.

Image source: Google Image, Retrieved  June 10, 2012, from http://www.google.com.my

My Password Is Strong. How About Yours??

People nowadays are used many sites and have many accounts. I have getting know that many of them are using the same password for each and every accounts. As such, this my friendly advice that do not use the same password to all accounts and also do not use same alphabets. this can make your password very weak and people can easily hack your accounts. So, here I have uploaded a video on how to make your password be strong. Hope you will watch it and try to emphasis on your daily life as it can avoid your accounts to be hacked. Be an intelligent user!

Facebook and Yahoo Messenger Friends Meet Together

Friends, do you chat with your Facebook friends and Yahoo Messenger friends differently and using different sites??? Doesn't you feel that makes yourself so burden? Here a easiest way to put them all together into one site (Yahoo Messenger). You can now import your Facebook friends into Yahoo Messenger contacts. For more details, you can have a look on the video above and try to apply it if you are interested.

Beware of Strangers in YM!!

Why you SHOULD NOT use Yahoo Messenger?

Dear viewers, this video clip show the problems that arise through the chatting with unknown people. So, beware when chatting with the strangers. Please try to use YM services efficiently.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Every Problems Have A Solution

Remove YM ID from someone friends list

"Although I delete that person, my name still will be appearing in that person’s friends list. When I’m being online, the person can still send message to me and its make me feel irritating" (Lindha Arokiasamy, 2012).
Do you feel the same?? Here a short video clip on how to remove your YM ID from your other friends list. Your problems will disappear after this, I'm sure... :) 

Lindha Arokiasamy. (2012, May 15). Cyber Entertainer. [blog] Retrieved Jun 9, 2012, from Critical of YM: http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=3074668043875350714#editor/target=post;postID=5775665326607229096

No More Facebook message into your Email

Are you very upset and tired in deleting Facebook notifications in your e-mail box?? Here a video to guide you on how to

Disable Email Notification Facebook

Saturday, June 2, 2012

How to detect invisible users on Yahoo! Messenger

Another video for our beloved viewers. Some people put their status in offline or busy mode while using Yahoo! Messenger. Maybe for some purposes. But today, we will learn about how to detect invisible users on Yahoo! Messenger. I will upload the video below. For those who want to chat with their friends but found out that their status was in offline mode, you guys can check this out. I was a simple step. A very simple step and u can only do this by following the instruction given. Good Luck guys.. ;)

How To Open Two Yahoo! Messenger ?

Today, i will share something different to everyone. Once you install the YM, you only can open one ID for your YM. But i found something different on Youtube today where u can open two YM in one time. I will upload the video below. You can follow the step given to open two YM. Check it out guys. Good Luck.. ;)